Blogger Chriselle Lim and Coach, the Irony of it All.

Blogger Chriselle Lim and Coach, the Irony of it All.

Last night, Oct. 18, I was invited to a launch party for handbag designer, Coach, with the very popular blogger, Chrisell Lim in attendance.  Honestly, I had never heard of her before I got the invite from Coach. I thought I should go to see what the younger bloggers...
Orange you Glad it’s Summer? Shoulders are Ageless Sexy

Orange you Glad it’s Summer? Shoulders are Ageless Sexy

Mid-August, and it’s hot. In Los Angeles, no one realizes it, but June is a very gloomy month.  Due to the heat and some kind of pressure, fog roles in from the beach and blankets most of the city.  It can be downright cold. So, ironically, though it is warmer...
It’s a Lacy, Colorful, and Striped Week in Fashion

It’s a Lacy, Colorful, and Striped Week in Fashion

For July, the weather in Chicago has been amazing. Very little humidity, great for keeping the frizzy hair at Bay. Shopping on Michigan Avenue in Chicago is so much fun. From the ridiculously cheap to the most opulent expensive. The thing about Chicago, the weather...