Bridget Sojourner is A Pioneer to be Admired for her Lust for Life and her Determination to Live it to the Fullest!! “People stop me everyday in the street, amazed that I look so stylish at my age.  The insidious ageism in our society says that you become invisible as you get older and that’s what I’m fighting against visually with my clothes.”  Bridget Sojourner Bridget looks a million dollars, but her clothes and accessories come from charity shops and she survives on just £100 a week. Her most expensive recent purchase was a pair of Doc Marten boots for £4. Bridget has been a campaigner all her life and does not intend to give up now – taking on the task of raising the profile of older women. If she could tell her younger self something, it would be this: “That I was not immortal; that life would be so short; that children grow up really fast/ they are young for such a short time: in essence that I need more time (every day/month/year) to live.” When asked for her tips on how women can ‘get ahead’ as they grow older, Bridget said: “Ahead of who? Work/ life is not a competition – it can be so enjoyed by becoming/ remaining curious, confident, interested, assertive, developing your character, style, caring for and cooperating with others and continuing to explore as much/ many things as possible.”