Diana Vreeland, an Icon in Fashion and Taste Whose Legend Lives On

Diana Vreeland was born in France in 1903 to a prominent family in society. As World War I was brewing, her family emigrated to New York City. They moved tothe Upper East Side and became socially prominent here as well. Diana was raised with the proper upbringing of a...

Isabel Marant

Isabel Marant has become THE designer closest to my favorite era of clothing, the 1960′s. She is French and surprisingly, known for her bohemian aesthetic. Her clothes render the aura of that casual, perfectly tousled, but never over-thought, look. Her most recent...

A Gutsy and Fun Lady – Bridget Sojourner

Bridget Sojourner is A Pioneer to be Admired for her Lust for Life and her Determination to Live it to the Fullest!! “People stop me everyday in the street, amazed that I look so stylish at my age.  The insidious ageism in our society says that you become invisible as...