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Good looking!
I would love be a model, I am 75 wear a size 2 and am petite!
I am a tango dancer and live in San Miguel de Allende Mexico.
Anyone interested?!
HI Peggy,
I would love to come to San Miguel. I have to be able to produce a fashion show in your area for you to be a model.
Do they have nice styles in San Miguel de Allende?
Hi Peggy,
We are planning a fashion show for October 6 in Dayton Ohio. There will be a fee to enter because there will be runway training and makeovers among other things. Where do you live?
Best, Wendy
I am looking for clothes and shoes that are chic and comfortable and not old lady like.
Hi Natali,
What style do you like?
Hi Natali,
Where do you like to shop? Maybe that is a good place to start. Best, Wendy
I just found your blog today and am quite excited. I am turning 60 in the fall, live in the Boston area and love simple understated dressing. More is less the older we get. Love a good classic with a bohemian touch.
Don’t compliment myself a lot but most who meet me just can not believe my age. Try to take care of myself body and skin.
Look forward to following you and suggestions you have.
HI Donna,
I am so glad we found each other. Your style sounds like my style. I grew up in the midwest, so I am still a bit of
a traditionalist. I like classic with an edge as I say. Bohemian is one of my favorite edges!!
Tomorrow I turn 65. No one can believe my age either. I was a nurse and knew in my early thirties that Retin-A was the
only thing that could build collagen.I attribute my good skin to the years my face burned from the Retin-A, HAVE to wear
sunscreen when you are using it.
Today there are a million more things to do. I have had filler in my acne scars. I still have terrible cystic acne. There are more drastic laser things to do today for scarring, etc., but I am afraid to do them.
If you would like to share any of your tips of favorite things, I have a large audience on Facebook, and I love to post other women who are inspirational. It sounds like you would be great.
Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks so much for reaching out. Best, Wendy
Hi Wendy
My audience is like yours – women over 50 who value health and wellness and looking great
Perhaps we can do some post sharing ?
HI Peg,
I would love to collaborate with you. What did you have in mind. Sorry it took a bit to respond, my website has had some technical difficulties. Best, Wendy