January 21, 2014 Fashion Blog 1 Comment
The Milken Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank. They partner with global leaders in finance, business, government, science and philanthropy — people with the vision and resources to make a significant impact.Their mission is to improve lives around the world by advancing innovative economic and policy solutions that create jobs, widen access to capital and enhance health.
Earlier this year, a panel of experts convened to discuss how this country will be able to best accommodate this influx of “over 65′er’s”. As lifespan’s increase, we are faced with many sociological issues; how do we keep this generation engaged; what will cities have to do to accommodate their needs; how will housing be affected? There are also many other economic, and political implications to this growing phenomenon.
The great news is that most aging Americans want to stay healthy, active and engaged and keep contributing to society. Optimistically, the Institute concludes that not only will it be a challenge but it will be a huge opportunity for growth in America. Business and civic leaders and entrepreneurs are seeking ways to take advantage of this. Some key components of this involve new approaches to wellness and healthcare delivery, senior friendly housing, and transportation systems. Programs are being developed to provide encore education, career and engagement opportunities to aging- centered technologies and social networks.
The bottom line, according to some of the experts, is that the Boomers are creative and innovative. We think we are entitled to everything, so of course, we will change it if it needs to changed!
The top Five Best Cities for “over 65′er’s” to live in are:
1.Provo, Utah
2.Madison, Wisconsin
3. Omaha, Nebraska
4. Boston/Cambridge/Quincy, Massachusettes
5. New York, New York
In order to see the entire article and the full list of both Cosmopolitan Cities and Small Metropolitan Areas go to http://www.milkeninstitute.org/publications/review/2012_10/64-70MR56.pdf
****AS A FOLLOW-UP TO YESTERDAY’S ARTICLE, today in the Wall Street Journal, the following article was published.
American retirees are looking to some of the nation’s most dynamic college towns for intellectual stimulation, top-shelf medical care, and homes there. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303997604579238430175848844?mod=Real_Estate_newsreel_1, for the entire article..