“If the only prayer you ever said your whole life was “Thank you, that would suffice” according to Eckart Toile. Why should this simple act mean so much? Expressing gratitude is good for you in so many ways:
Gratitude reminds us to recognize good people in our life. They range from loved ones to those that render a kindness to strangers. Treasuring goodness in every form brings more of it in to our experience.
Gratitude turns bad things into good things. Challenges keep life interesting, enhance judgement, and strengthen character.
Gratitude reminds us of what is important: Being grateful to have a healthy family and friends, a home and food on the table puts smaller worries in perspective.
Gratitude reminds us to say thanks... it takes just a few minutes to say, “Thank you”. Call, email, stop by to say thanks… it takes just a few minutes to express our reason for doing so. People like being appreciated. It creates a satisfying beam of mutual happiness that shines on.
A Couple Good Tips.
Create a morning gratitude session:
take a few minutes each morning to close your eyes, silence the “to-do” list and give thanks to whomever or whatever is cause for gratitude.
Learn a Gratitude Prayer:
Many songs and prayers, religious or not, serve to remind us to be grateful. Find one or write one yourself and post it in a highly visible spot.
Thanks to Leo Babauta for his words of wisdom!