Brilliantly, J.D. Williams, an online retailer, commissioned students at the London School of Fashion to design clothes for women Over Fifty. After reading research that women Over Fifty would like to be fashionable (duh…they needed to do a study to figure that out?), the retailer told the students to go to town. Wednesday, February 17, was the first day of the Fashion Week for Women Over Fifty. What a banner day for all women. This is just the start. All we needed was for someone to start!! The Daily Mail of London had this as their Headlines: Style really IS ageless: Marie Helvin, 63, leads models with a combined age of 700 on the catwalk for the first Fifty Plus Fashion Week (which is closed by an 87-year-old) Read more:
Marie Helvin leads the models at first ever Fifty Plus Fashion Week
by Wendy | February 19, 2016 | People | 0 comments