The most perfect day with icon model Daphne Selfe at Brown’s Hotel for High Tea
The Fashion Show/ Modeling bug definitely has hit me so much, that when I learned about Daphne Selfe’s modeling Schoo, I couldn’t say “NO”. After producing my third fashion show at Bloomingdale’s, I have started to to feel like a pro....
Nicola Griffin isn’t just doing bathing suits for S.I. Now she is doing sexy lingerie Ads too!!
THE REVOLUTION IS PICKING UP SPEED. FIRST AN AD IN SPORTS ILLUSTRATED AND NOW NICOLA IS DOING SEXY LINGERIE AD SHOTS. Don’t forget that Nicola is a size 14-16 and Fifty Five years old. Two great victories for women Over Fifty and for the mental health of...
Marie Helvin leads the models at first ever Fifty Plus Fashion Week
Brilliantly, J.D. Williams, an online retailer, commissioned students at the London School of Fashion to design clothes for women Over Fifty. After reading research that women Over Fifty would like to be fashionable (duh…they needed to do a study to figure that...