by Wendy | February 9, 2018
Welcome to out next makeover session with Rosalie. Spending 2 days with Rosalie, I have gotten to know her and she is such a lovely person. How fortunate am I that I have the privilege to get to know someone so nice, and to watch her transform before my eyes. The...
by Wendy | February 5, 2018
Fashion Over Fifty held it’s first contest for the lucky winner of a makeover. The lucky winner is Rosalie, who lives about an hour and half outside of Los Angeles, so it worked out really well (because she didn’t mind driving!!) I was so excited to meet...
by Wendy | August 10, 2014
Have you ever compared the Clarsonic Exfoliating Scrubber to using a Washcloth when washing your face? Well, I have. The Clarsonic may get off more dead skin, but if I use a washcloth after the Clarisonic, I still get makeup on the cloth. The product maintains that...